
The main factors that affect the decrease in visual acuity: heredity, uncontrolled interest in gadgets, early education of children, that is long-lasting drawing or reading at close distance, poor lighting, a short period of staying in the fresh air and large visual loads during school.

Myopia in children is more than only an optical defect that can be easily corrected with glasses. When the eyeball is elongated, the intraocular structures stretch, especially the retina. As a result, dystrophic changes occur in the fundus, which, in the case of progression, may lead to an irrevocable decrease in vision.

We have developed a program that allows calculating the degree of myopia that a child will have if proper and timely treatment is not carried out.

Treatment of myopia

We, at Crystal Vision, have a different, an integrated approach in the treatment of myopia in children. In the case of myopia, treatment should be aimed at its stabilization.

We have developed programs for effective therapeutic treatment of myopia in children, which allow stabilizing myopia in 85% of cases and in other cases, significantly slow down the rate of its progression and achieve a sustainable result.

The treatment includes a complex of functional and pharmaceutical procedures.

Our specialists develop a treatment program for myopia in children after a comprehensive examination of a child with myopia, which allows us to identify the causes and the mechanism of its progression, as well as the presence of possible complications, i.e., dystrophic changes in the fundus and retina. Our program of treatment of children's myopia includes various procedures of physical, optical, and medical effects. The achievements of world pediatric ophthalmology have proven the effectiveness of small doses of medications that relax the tension of the intraocular muscles. These medications are prescribed individually as well; the concentration and dose of the medication are selected considering the specifics of the patient.

We can prescribe special glasses for stabilizing myopia, soft contact lenses or night lenses.

Why treatment of myopia should be started as early as possible

The earlier treatment of progressive myopia is started, the more opportunities are obtained to prevent the development of complications in the fundus. In the case of no treatment, it is almost impossible to predict the course of the disease, which may lead to the rapid growth of myopia and eye damage. If the child is under supervision, such sudden changes can be avoided.

Causes of myopia

The mechanism of the development of myopia in children has been sufficiently studied. This disease is associated with a pathological elongation of the eyeball. This elongation is caused, on the one hand, by an inherited predisposition, and on the other hand, by excessive loads on the insufficiently complete focusing apparatus of the eyeball. Such elongation leads to stretching of intraocular structures and their irreversible changes. That is why myopia greater than 2 diopters (which is an additional lengthening of the eye by as less as 0.66 mm) may pose a threat of serious complications. This understanding is the basis for all measures for the diagnosis and treatment of myopia, which are used at our Yasniy Vzor children's eye clinics.

Prevention of myopia

  • For children with myopia, as well as in the absence of any eye pathology, visual hygiene is of great importance.
  • Reading is only possible while sitting at a table under good lights.
  • Reading while lying down and eating is not recommended.
  • The length of time of watching TV programs is very important. Children under two years of age are not recommended to watch TV at all.
  • For children under 7 years of age, the total duration of watching television programs should not exceed 30-40 minutes per day.
  • At an older age, children can watch TV for up to 1.5-3 hours a day. In this case, the continuous load should not exceed 1.5 hours (one movie).


Dr. Igor Aznauryan

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Ophthalmologist & Ophthalmic Surgeon, Head of the Crystal Vision Eye clinic

Dr. Victoriya Balasanyan

PhD, Head of the Clinical Department of the Crystal Vision Eye Clinic