Vision therapy packages at a favorable price.
An innovative approach that allows you to stop wearing glasses and contact lenses forever.
Unique patented methods of treatment using the most advanced technologies are now available in a comprehensive format and at a bargain price. Since most eye pathologies require regular procedures and systematic monitoring, we have created for our patients the first Vision therapy packages for complete vision restoration.
Vision therapy of tear duct pathology using the most modern materials and microinvasive endoscopic techniques, thanks to which the operation becomes less traumatic and leaves no scars.
DACRYO care package consists of:
- Schirmer's test
- Probing of the nasolacrimal duct on an outpatient basis
- Consultation with an ophthalmologist
- Surgical treatment with simultaneous participation of an ophthalmologist and an ENT specialist
- Endoscopic dacryocystorinostomy without incisions and scars
- The technique of nasolacrimal duct probing in dacryocystitis in newborns, which eliminates the need for repeated interventions
The possibility to fully restore visual functions, achieve up to 100% visual acuity and get rid of glasses.
AMBLYO care package consists of:
- Laser therapeutic device for the treatment of amblyopia
- Computerized pleoptics
- Stimulation of the optic nerve by physiotherapy methods
- Total retinal illumination
- Transcutaneous stimulation of the optic nerve
- Frequency-contrast stimulation of the macula
- Medical treatment for myopia
- Consultation with an ophthalmologist
- Physiological stimulation of visual functions
- Innovative author's method of pathogenetically directed conservative treatment of amblyopia, based on the presentation of specific visual stimuli
Vision therapy of patients with myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism, which allows you to achieve up to 100% visual acuity and permanently abandon glasses.
VISIO care package consists of:
- Development of relative accommodation
- Laser therapeutic device for the treatment of refractive desorders
- Frequency-contrast stimulation of the macula
- Transcutaneous stimulation of the optic nerve
- Functional massage of the ciliary muscle
- Computer orthoptics, diploptics
- Physiotherapy procedures
- Diagnosis during treatment
- Consultation with an ophthalmologist
- Physiological stimulation of visual functions
- Stabilization of myopia by conservative, optical and medical treatment
- Improvement of visual acuity in patients with uncorrected astigmatism
- Prevention of strabismus development in patients with high hypermetropia
- Selection of optimal correction depending on individual characteristics:
- soft contact lenses
- orthokeratology (night) lenses
- eyeglasses
Vision therapy of patients with strabismus and nystagmus, based on advanced technologies and fundamental developments, which allows to achieve high cosmetic and functional results in 100% of cases.
STRABO care package consists of:
- Computer diploptics
- Stimulation of the optic nerve by physiotherapy methods
- The development of fusion through prisms
- Relaxation-loading method
- Restoration of the bifixation reflex
- Development of sensory fusion on the synoptophore
- Diagnosis during treatment
- Consultation with an ophthalmologist
- Physiological stimulation of visual functions
- The therapeutic scheme is developed individually, depending on the type of oculomotor pathology, the cause of development, the nature of the course and other parameters.
- Treatment is complex and includes conservative and operative measures.
- Conservative therapy includes:
- vision correction
- wearing glasses
- restoration of binocular vision
- hardware and medication stimulation of the visual system.
STRABO Mathematical modeling of strabismus surgery
We have developed and implemented a method of individual mathematical modeling of strabismus surgery, which allows us to effectively calculate the amount of rotation of the eyeball to achieve a symmetrical eye position, based on the individual characteristics of each patient. Using this model, we can demonstrate to parents and patients how the eyes will be positioned as a result of the surgery. Modeling allows you to reduce the number of planned stages of surgical treatment, thus it reduces the number of operations.
High-frequency radio wave surgery
We have developed a technique of high-frequency radio wave surgery for strabismus operations instead of a scalpel and scissors. The use of high-frequency radio wave surgery allows to reduce the traumatic nature of the operation by several orders of magnitude, increase its accuracy and shorten the rehabilitation period by 5-6 times. Thanks to this technique, the patient can read, write and watch TV with an operated eye on the same day without discomfort.